Thursday, May 19, 2011

Good Old Times Comes to an END!!!

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.

The most proud of work and learning that I am most proud of is the tic tac toe about Ancient Greece. The reason why I chose this piece of work is because the projects are high in quality, artistic, and fun to do. The projects that we chose were the notable leader movie, 2 diary entries, and a rap. The music for the rap was "I'm coming home", although I was a bit confused about what religion the Ancient Greek people believed in so we put both Greek orthodox and Greek gods. Some SLR's that fit this project are collaborating constructively, thinking creatively, communicate effectively,etc.

2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.

One of my greatest challenges was finding the right place to go in the beginning of the year. The reason was because I wasn't particularly sure where my classes were so I had to carry a map around to find my way. Once I had to run around the whole school to find my band class and I was late for 5 minutes. Later on, I managed to memorize the room numbers and even know where to go without referring to the map. The second challenge that I had was the lockers. The combination for mine was very confusing  so I followed the instructions that the teacher told me to do. But I couldn't open my lock so an adult helped me with the problem. The teacher said that you had to start from 0 so I realized my mistake... Later, I had more lockers for P.E, and band so I had to study the combination. Luckily, the P.E locker combination was relatively same as my locker for my bag so I didn't have to memorize all 3 of them. Later in the month, I memorized my locker code and got used to it so I was able to get to class on time. 

a) Behavior

Perfect-the model student

I know that nobody is "perfect" in this world but I consider myself having a good behavior because I respect other people, listen to other peoples' ideas, not fooling around,etc. I don't fool around in class because I don't want to have bad grades and make my teachers depressed.  I listen to other peoples' ideas because I don't want other people to feel bad and their ideas might be excellent.

Actively participate in class 

The reason why I chose actively participate in class was because of my interest in the subjects.  I ask lot's of interesting questions and pay attention to things that are important because I am curious, and it's very interesting to learn facts and asking questions are related 
to education. All of the subjects that I do are very fun but sometimes things can get boring. 

c) Organization

I would rate myself "super organized" because my locker is not messy and I prepare for classes. When I get to school, I would look at what classes I have and put the things that are necessary  such as if humanities was period 1,  I would put a folder on top of my bag and later, I see what I have for period 2 and put the things so that I don't have to get late for class. For projects, I would make a note-taking sheet so that my partner and I would gather the information so that later we could use the note-taking sheet for the project.

d) Effort

I always go above and beyond what is required. I am 100% doing my best for any projects/tests so that I can be happy of the results. I try to get at least all A-'s for all of the subjects and I'm pretty doing well. I'm very proud of my final literature circle with Zifan because I studied about the questions, passages,etc and I put a lot of effort to it. .

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to

I plan to continue trying my best to be organized, actively participating, putting my effort,etc. I'll try not to be distracted by Youtube, Facebook, and all sorts of social networking and not chat with my friends and focus doing my work so that I could get a good grade. I don't want people to think me as a "nerd" but I'll to be cool.

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to

Not to be embarrassed of what I do. I chose this because I was a bit frightened and scared for the tic tac toe rap although I love being on the spotlight.

6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?

Well if you want to know more about me, my profile is A so I am a logic person. If you want a person who is energetic, prepared, positive, etc, that's me!!! For my band teacher, I play the bass clarinet for around 1 year so I hope that you will like my next year. For my P.E teacher, I try not to always rely on one person such as for American football, I'll try to pass the ball to all the people so that they can be part of the game and have fun.

7. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?

Don't be tardy for class and remember your locker combinations. The reason why I chose don't be tardy for class is because you don't want to be late for class and the teacher might mark you absent. I chose remember your locker combinations because you need to memorize your normal locker for your bag, P.E locker, or your band locker so that you don't have to be tardy for class,etc. 

Shin Young Park

p.s: Class of 2018, I hope you do VERY well in 6th grade!!!