Sunday, April 22, 2012

1066: Who had the best claim?

Duke William has the best claim to be King because he has more evidence to be king than the other people. The evidence that Duke William had was the support from the Pope, Edward the Confessor who promised to name him as his successor, and Harold Godwinson agreed to help him become King of England but he betrayed Duke William. Nobody except for Duke William has a famous person supporting him like the Pope and lot's of people would support Duke William because if the Pope agrees to help Duke, then lot's of people will follow him. Although Harold Godwinson is a strong English leader approved by the Witan, he was an "oath-breaker" which makes him not trustworthy. Harald Hardrada was a powerful king with a large army and had support of Tostig, Harold Godwinson's brother and that his ancestors ruled England but just because his ancestors ruled England doesn't mean that he get's to lead England at 1066.  So by judging all the reasons from the three men, I would be think that Duke William has the best claim to be the king of England.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Value's and Choices Document

Q1. Think about a time you witnessed bullying/ostracism/peer pressure/exclusion/discrimination/violence. How did you respond? How do you wish you had responded? What stopped you from responding that way?
 A1: I have witnessed discrimination before in my life. When I was in fifth grade, while my friends and I were finished with recess, a female assistant teacher started to shout at a boy for not following her orders like when recess time was over, he still played. When another girl was still playing around with her jump ropes, the assistant teacher told her to come and line up behind the other people in a kind and soft tone. I didn't understand why she treated the boys like slaves and treated the girls like daughters. So when all of my peers and friends were sitting down in a line, I stood up and said "Why are you treating us boys like slaves and the girls like daughters Ms. __________? I don't understand. You are not following one of the three "melawati ways". " My speech grabbed all of the audience's attention as the assistant teacher went speechless. After school, I told my parents about the assistant teacher about her sexual discrimination to others. Then, my mom decided to contact the principal and other people. (Sorry but that's what I all remember about). After 2 years later, my brother had the SAME incident as what I had before so he told my mom and she had to report her again to the faculty and the staff at ISKL. Fortunately, the assistant teacher was fired and another teacher replaced her. Anyway back to the questions. "How do you wish you had responded? ". I wish I had told the principal and my teachers about this because if I had done that before, the assistant teacher could've been fired and my brother wouldn't have to experience the pain, torture, etc from her. "What stopped you from responding that way?". I was afraid that if the assistant teacher found out that it was me who told the teachers and the other staff members, I would be in big trouble.

1.Where have we seen examples of bullying/ostracism/exclusion occurring in texts studied so far this year- factual as well as fictional?

 This year, the Holocaust unit, the "Hunger Games" book, the "Shadow of the Minotaur" book shows ostracism and bullying. For example, in the Holocaust unit, the Jewish people were "bullied" by the Nazi and the anti-Jewish people. In the Kristallnacht, the Nazi and the anti-Jewish people "bullied" the Jews by throwing stones at their businesses, killing them, burning holy buildings,etc. The "Hunger Games" book shows some ostracism. For example, the other districts in the book ostracised District 12 because they thought that District 12 was a poor district and that they might win the Hunger Games. In the "Shadow of the Minotaur" book, Steve Adams bullies Phoenix by using violence,etc. 

1.Select one line/phrase/group of sentences that are significant to you. Explain why.
 "In most cases where children get picked on, it is because they aren't good at sports or they read too much or they wear the wrong clothes or they are in a different race" This is significant to me because this phrase clearly shows that who bullies bully at. It is important to me because I have to be aware that I have to be sporty, and read little books to not get bullied next time.

How is ostracism different from other forms of bullying? When does ostracizing or excluding someone from a group become part of bullying?
Ostracism is different from other forms of bullying because if you are being ostracized, it can change your mood, more aggression, etc. For example, victims of social exclusion can feel more negatively than other people. The victims can be more angry and more sad than other non-victimized people. In most cases, if you have the angry and sad feelings, you might have more aggression. If you have aggression, you might be a bully. Ostracizing or excluding someone from a group can become a part of bullying when it happens to you or someone else.

2.What surprised you?

What surprised me about this video was that how a popular girl in her school wanted to be friends with Eve S although she was being bullied a lot. Most of the people wouldn't want to be friends with a person being bullied but the popular kid stepped up and changed Eve S's life.

3. How does Eve’s story relate to bullying? Was she bullied? Did she bully? How would you explain her behavior?( perpetrator/bystander/victim?). make sure you justify( back up your answer.

Eve's story relates to bullying because she was being bullied by other people. She didn't bully anyone and she was being bullied at school. Her behavior would be considered as a perpetrator, and a victim. She is considered to be a victim because she used to be bullied at school with 2 other people. Since she mocked the girl by reading her diary, she is considered to be a perpetrator. 

4. How did Eve’s need to belong affect the way she responded when another girl was being mocked? Why does her response still trouble her? How do you like to think you would have responded to the incident?

I think that she badly wanted to join in the group so she didn't think her actions through enough until she found out what she did. The response troubled her because she knows that she did a bad thing by laughing at the girl's diary. I would have responded by stop laughing and saying to the girls that what they are doing is a bad thing. 

5. Eve concludes “Often being accepted by others is more satisfying than being accepted by oneself, even though the satisfaction does not last.’ What does she mean?

I think that Eve is trying to say that it's feels more comfortable and feels better if you are being accepted by others than accepting yourself.