Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cyber bullying

In middle school, on September 20th, 2010, we did a bullying workshop with Mrs. Thompson. Here is my experience with cyber bullying. In fifth grade, an incident happened when my friend, Matt (Not real name) and Cookie (Not real name) sent an inappropriate message from a teacher's account. I couldn't believe that my best friend, Matt could ever do such a thing. The news started to spread out to all of the students in fifth grade.

"There are good people and bad people in this world," from a movie called The Series of Unfortunate Events. I normally say that quote to people who were bullied in my class. Matt has been friends with me for 4 years! He would never do such a thing. Later on, the principal and the assistant principal came to the whole fifth grade and asked who would do such a thing. Matt bravely rose up from his seat. He knew that he did a terrible thing. He confidently went to the principal’s office and was told that he was banned from using panther apps for a year. Matt told the whole story to me and I felt quite sorry for him. Cookie was the criminal that was behind it! Cookie typed up the message and put Matt's name on it! From that day, I was more aware of cyber bullying from that day on...

I would be aware of cyber bullying and how that can affect people’s feelings. Cyber bullying can make people feel terrible, angry, etc. "A cyber bully may be engaged in defamation. This is when the bully causes harm to someone’s reputation by spreading false information about that person. In general, defamation that appears temporarily (as unrecorded speech or in a live broadcast) is called slander, and defamation that appears permanently (in a book or on a Web site) is called libel." - From the Civil Law. A civil law is a law that deals with rights, dignity, and freedom from injury. Many countries are aware of cyber bullying such as Canada. Section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms explain about freedom of expression from cyber bullying.

Finally, I would like to recommend you some safe useful tips doing with cyber bullying. In your mail, click on "New! Priority Inbox Beta" (which is in red color). Click on learn more and you will watch a short video what "priority inbox" does. It's really useful. It makes two separate piles. Priority inbox picks the important messages that you receive. My second goal to make people feel welcomed is to don't chat to people who aren't familiar with you. What I usually do is blocking them or has a conversation with a teacher (if it is continuously). For example, my friend, Cookie asked me about romance. First, I would tell him/her to stop. Second, if it goes on, I would block him/her or tell a teacher. So these are my goals to make people at ISKL to feel safer.

(I've experienced cyber bullying before such as chain mails about death, and saying negative comments to each other.)


Sources: http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/resources/educational/teaching_backgrounders/cyberbullying/cyberbullying_law2_h4.cfm

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fear of Zeusophobia

The time I showed courage is when I was in fifth grade, my friends and I learned about Ancient Greek Gods, I was fascinated when I came across againist Hades, the god of the dead. Here is what happened and facts about Hades.

Hades, is the god of the dead. He is the son of Cronos(Kronos) and Rhea. When he was a baby, Cronos swallowed Hades, etc, except for Zeus, because he's the final child. His symbol is a helmet which was a gift from the cyclopes that helped the three brothers defeat Cronos. Until one day, Rhea disguised Zeus as a stone and when Cronos swallowed the stone, he puked and all the babies came out. Later on, the three gods, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, decided to choose positions. Zeus chose the sky, Poseidon chose the sea, and Hades chose the underworld.

The underworld was divided into two regions. At the very bottom, lay Tartarus, a land of terror. There was also the Titans, that were imprisoned in Tartarus, who were guarded by a giant with 100 arms. The other region is Elysium, or known as Elysium Fields, was a place where people's souls lye. Hades Kingdom is different to his brothers. First, you would have to cross the deadly River Styx, and ride a ferry. Next, you would have to face the Cerberus, the a three-headed dog that's guarding the entrance to Hades Kingdom.

I wasn't afraid of Hades, until when I learned more about him, I was totally freaked out. Facing my fear was a challenging thing to do since I believe in gods/goddesses. I realized that he forced his wife, Peresphone, to marry him. After a few days later, my family watched a movie called Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. The movie was exciting at first, until when Percy Jackson was face to face againist Hades. Besides that, the movie was interesting.

At school, when me and my friends were at the computer, we went to the Percy Jackson website and clicked on "Who's your father?". I crossed my fingers and hoped that a miracle would happen. First my friend, Amr, answered some few questions, and his father was Zeus! The God of the Sky! Next was my turn, I was afraid that my father could've been Hades. Luckily, my father was Poseidon! The God of the Sea! Finally, it was my friend, Marco's turn. Unfortunately, his father was Hades! I couldn't believe it! Marco's father was Hades!

I knew that I wanted to end this fear so I showed courage by dreaming. I was in Hades Kingdom and talked to Hades. I convinced him to go to Mount. Olympus and meet his brothers by talking about me and my little brother. I also taught him a lesson to be much more friendlier since he was lonely. I was so relieved that I stepped up over my fears.

About a year later, I got over with my fear about Hades because I started to learn more about Egyptian gods/goddesses,etc.

Percy Jackson & The Olympians The Ultimate Guide by: Mary-Jane Knight