Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Busan Powerpoint Blog Post

Recently in class, we had to make a presentation about our city. We had to research about the history, vegetation, environmental factors, facts, etc. For me, my hometown is Busan, South Korea. It's a great that we had to find some facts about our city because I didn't really know lot's of information about Busan except for the history...

For my powerpoint, I did awesome for my presentation since I put all the information that was required to get A+. I've experienced presenting in front of everybody and most people get very nervous. But I don't really get nervous because I'm a man. My mother usually tells me to have a loud clear voice, eye contact,etc. I've couldn't actually hear the person speaking and some people talk while they look at their powerpoint. Another positive thing I've done is entertaining the class. I've put a movie trailer of "Haeundae"  to entertain the guests to make them bored. Lot's of people were amazed of my powerpoint!

I hope in the future that I can decrease the amount of time that my powerpoint took and put more information for my powerpoint. The reason why I chose putting more information for my powerpoint is because I didn't really have that information for my environmental factors. I had only 3 paragraphs for my environmental factors... I chose decreasing the amount of time that my powerpoint took because it took for like 7 minutes. In the future, I hope that I can accomplish these improvements in the future.

The things I've learnt are the food, history, population,attractions, etc. The food is very interesting because it makes me hungry and it's very famous. Some examples are roti canai, nasi lemak, strudels, etc. The reason why I chose history is because I am clueless of the history of some cities (Examples: Scotland, Australia,etc). Some knowledge that I've gained is that Malaysia was controlled over by the Japanese, and the British. The population is amusing because I've never known that my city's population is 3,593,498.

My analysis for my powerpoint is very good. I've completed the requirements for the powerpoint, and added graphics. I had a clear voice, good eye contact, sources,etc. As I said before, I totally aced this assignment because I've completed the requirements. This is one of my favorite assignments because you can learn about other people's cities.


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