Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jonas's Letter

Dear Asher,

I'm deeply sorry that I had left home at the day of the Ceremony. I know you have tons of questions that you want to ask me but I don't have that much time left. I'm fine and so as Gabriel but I'm running out of food... You were probably wondering why I had ran away. The society that we are in isn't fair and is worse than you think.  You probably won't understand this but it's because of the releasing, and the things that don't exist today. When I told you that something was strange about the flowers, I tried to tell you about something called "colors". I don't know how to describe about "colors" but it really attracts your attention. Something other than colors are animals. Animals are living organisms that have a well-defined shape. If you know Lily's comforting object, it's actually an elephant, my comfort object is a bear, and Gabriel's is a hippo.Another powerful thing is love. If you ask "do you love me?" to your parents, they probably would say that word is meaningless... Well guess what, they're wrong. Love is the feeling of very strong liking of someone, etc. Something that relates this is "grandparents". Grandparents are the parents of the parents. In my training, my "teacher" gave me a vision of grandparents .They were hanging out with their family members and they were passing gifts. The children "loves" their grandparents, and their parents. Love is similar to happiness. The final thing is music. I don't really know what music is but I don't know what it is...

Another reason why I ran away is about releasing. The former "Receiver of Memory" wanted herself released . Releasing is something like killing. So basically, she wanted to kill herself, commit suicide, whichever word you prefer. When I was having training with my teacher, I saw my father killing one of the baby twins by weight. My father injected a liquid into the baby's head. A few minutes later, the baby was very still, and it wasn't moving. Later my father threw the baby inside a simple box and into the trash. I was freaking out so badly so I decided to make a plan with my teacher. So that's why I took Gabriel with me to flee from home. Life is very stable in our society. But it's very unfair that nobody in the universe could experience these things except for me and my teacher. If you still don't understand, well just know that I'm sorry...

From your best friend, 


p.s: Tell my friends and my family members that I love them especially Fiona.

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