Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Connections between Morals and Religions

The connections between morals and religions are that both of them teach us something like how to live our life. Morals are lessons which teach people what is wrong and what is the right thing to in a story, myth, folktale, etc. For example, the moral for 'The Beauty and the Beast' is don't judge the book by its cover. Religions have beliefs and other rules to teach people how to be a good person. Actually there are some similarities between morals and religions which is that they both use stories to teach people. For example, in Hinduism, Rama and Sita is a story which the lesson behind it is 'good always triumphs over evil'. Religious people use morals in their religion to guideline to be a good person. Now that you have read my blog post, would you say that there is a connection between morals and religions?

1 comment:

  1. I have read this, I like the way you have explained the way morals and religions are connected and I also like the way you included examples to support the connections and explain what morals and religions are.
