Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Learning Profile

Focusing on the details, ,studying in a quite place away from verbal disturbances, not having to look behind to have eye contact with the teacher are the key components for me to learn best since my learning profile is an A. Focusing on the details is one of the components for me to learn best because I like to learn and process information in a sequential, step-by-step fashion while concentrating on the details. If I don't focus on the details, then I would be aware of missing important details when I read, take notes, and study. The reason why I chose studying in a quite place away from verbal disturbances as a component to increase my learning skills is because if there aren't any verbal disturbances, I can concentrate better and able to continue studying. Verbal disturbances depending on the volume can effect on the quanlity of my project, essay,etc because disturbances can irritate me and can give me a headache so I can't focus on my work. Finally not having to look behind to have eye contact with the teacher is very important because it is very annoying for me to turn my back and face the teacher several times. My experience of turning my back and looking at a teacher has been annoying so I don't want to have to turn my back towards my teacher ever again. So these are my key components for me to have a better learning sustainability.

Some improvements for me as a profile A learner is to have a combination of art, music, freeform movement,etc linked with reasonable effort, avoid trying to use logic, etc. The reason why I need to have a combination of art, music, freeform movement,etc linked with reasonable effort is try using both sides of the brain. Gestalt people are responsible for creativity, visualization, artistic abilities, etc so to work on my right hemisphere, I have to have a combination of art, music, etc although I play the alto saxophone, piano, and other instruments. Avoiding trying to use logic can be an improvement for me to work on my right hemisphere. If I was about to take a dicision , I won't try to gather information in an overly intensive way but instead I would gather as much information as I can then take the decision based on the available information even if the seemed incomplete. In that case my left brain will make use of the information while the intuition of your right brain will compensate for the missing information. So a combination of art, music, freeform movement, etc linked with reasonable effort, and avoiding trying to use logic are the two improvements for me to work on as a profile A learner.

The strategies that would help me in my learning would be to highlight key concepts as I read, explaining the concepts to a family member or a friend,etc. Highlighting key concepts as I read would be a strategy that would help in my learning is because to read the highlighted material aloud to memorize facts. If I was in a test which I had to memorize a few descriptions about a character, then I would highlight the key descriptions of the character and keep reading it aloud until I memorize the facts. The last strategy that would help me in my learning would be to explain the concepts to a family member or a friend,etc. I chose explaining the concepts to a family member or a friend because it helps me to refresh my mind and think about the concept more deeply. For example, when I have required reading, then I would retell the main points of the selection in my own words. So these are my strategies that would help me in my learning.

Some information that I would like the teachers to know me is that I find writing on a piece of paper more difficult than typing, and that I need to have breaks inbetween long tests. Writing on a piece of paper is more challenging than typing because since I have learnt typing at a young age, I prefer typing rather than writing because my hand often hurts when I write continously so I have to take a break and relax my hands for a while. The advantage for me in typing is that I am a fast typer so I can turn in my work on time. I need to have breaks inbetween long tests because I can't concentrate on a test for a long amount of time. I like to stretch, use the bathroom, etc inbetween long tests so that I can get prepared for the next test. So here are some information about me that I would like the teachers to know about me.

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