Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Schindler’s List
 What makes a person “heroic?” 

A "heroic" person does a selfless act . Not because it benefits the individual or that they had to do it but because they cared enough and chose to. A "heroic" person also might risk their lives by doing good deeds. By doing good deeds, like helping an elderly walk across a street, you can still be a hero for helping them out. 

Does a hero possess certain qualities? 

I would say a hero doesn't possess certain qualities because a strength, powers, costumes,etc but they need the willingness to help others in need. Not all heroes have powers, strength, speed, agility, costumes,etc. For example my mom was my hero. She helped me by making me escape from wild dogs and she didn't use strength, agility, costumes,etc. 

Or is a hero defined by his or her actions? 

A hero is defined by his or her actions because if you do something that saved their lives or helped them, they will think of you as their "savior" , but if you do something evil to them, they will think that you are a bad person like a villain. 

Was Schindler a hero?

I would think Schindler is considered to be a hero because he saved the Jewish people by stopping a train and put them into a safe camp. Schindler is a hero to the Jewish people because by making camps for them, they can be safe from the Nazis. Schindler also used a lot of money to help the Jewish people which is what a hero would do. "This time Schlinder was not concerned with making a profit. Indeed he now spent enormous sums of money to keep his workers safe. He began by turning his factory into an official subcamp of a newly constructed labor camp at Plazow." So this is why Schindler is considered to be a hero.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely. I think Schindler is a hero for giving up his money to keep his jewish workers safe. As well I think you put in A LOT of detail. Good job and keep up the work.
