Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why New Guineans are not Wealthier than New Zealand and Australia

There are two reasons why I think New Guinea is not wealthier and technologically advanced than Australia and New Zealand. I chose time and energy, the amount of food the countries have, and where they're from.

First, I chose time and energy because the people are mostly use their time and energy to feed themselves. The men would hunt down animals and the women would gather the plants such as a taro root which has less protein than wheat. Sometimes they would have to eat spiders since the people didn't have a stable food supply. The New Guinean people domesticate only pigs which only gives the people meat. But in Australia and New Zealand, the people domesticate cows, sheep, goats for different reasons. They might use it for clothing, milk, and the meat.

Second, I chose the amount of food the countries have because the New Guineans are so focused in surviving not trying to make new things such as metal tools. New Guineans doesn't have a stable food supply but New Zealand and Australia does have a stable food supply. Australia and New Zealand have a larger area so they can easily find food. But for the New Guineans, they have a smaller area. New Guinea has a 462,840 sq. km of land, almost the size of California. Australia has a 7.69 million square kilometres of the land. Unfortunately, New Zealand has a land area of 268,000 square kilometers, less than New Guinea.

Finally, I chose where the people are from because New Guineans are Asian, but New Zealand and Australians are Europeans. That's why the flags of New Zealand and Australians has the Great Britain flag. In New Zealand, there was lot's of trading going on from Europe and North America. Europeans were the ones that had the most cargo so they got most of the cargo.The people traded for metal tools, artifacts, food, etc. Back in the old times, Europeans were a huge strong army, but the Asians were not wealthier than the Europeans. The Asians didn't have a stable food supply, but the Europeans were able not starve. As time went by, Asians are starting to have a stable food supply and a good life.

So these are my reasons why I think that New Guineans are not wealthier than New Zealand and Australia. As I said before, New Guineans are not wealthier than New Zealand and Australia because they don't have a stable food supply, the place they are from, and the people are too focused on survival.
: Picture of New Guineans

Sources: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2797.htm

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