Friday, October 15, 2010

The Marvelous Adventure of Tim the Mud Skipper

Once upon a time,  there was a mud skipper named Tim, which is me.  I am an anxious mud skipper who has thanatophobia. I live in a muddy mangrove planting area along with my friend, Matty, a fiddler crab who would sort out my problems. Matty and I have been friends for 3 years, but unfortunately, that friendship was crushed by the humans.

Until one day, 6A ISKL students came along to plant a mangrove seed. Matty and I were hiding beside a mangrove tree and discussing about this issue. My heart was pounding heavily and I was hesitating. I was afraid of the humans. I always had nightmares of being squashed by humans. Matty gave a pat on my back and said "It will be alright. If you stay here, the humans won't even spot us!"In a blink of an eye, Matty was blown up to tiny pieces by a sixth grader that smashed him. I was totally freaked out. I couldn't take it anymore. Later on, I put Matty inside a pond and said my farewells. I was totally shocked that I lost my best friend.

After that unfortunate event, I came out of the small pond and went to rescue the fiddler crabs and the other mudskippers from chaos. I could see a shadow above his head. There is was, a bottom that was about to squish me. "Atomic bottom people! Run away! You are about to get squished!" I shouted. I evacuated the fiddler crabs and the other mudskippers into a bunch of mangrove trees. Thousands of fiddler crabs and mudskippers were crushed into little pieces. I went to save some more fiddler crabs and mudskippers that were on the muddy battle field. I could hear a discussion going on inside a black boot. The mudskippers and fiddler crabs were safe from the impact! I went out and searched for tiny insects for my lunch. "Mmmm. Tasty!" I said as I gobbled up the cricket that was found near a mangrove tree.

Next, I confidently was face to face against the humans. I now wasn't afraid of the humans since they were helping the environment and saving my home. "Look guys! There's a mudskipper! It's so cute!" a female sixth grade student said. "Let's crush it into smithereens!" the boys were chanting. I was running as fast as I could. There was a chill below my spine. I felt doom coming by. "Squish" a boy stepped on me with his boots. I was now in heaven like the others. Silence was in the air. The whole town made a grave for me for being a heroe of the town. Mudskippers are fish that could actually walk! This unique fish can actually can climb trees! To defend themselves, they dig through mud, making a hole to be safe from predators such as us, humans, frogs, reptiles, and birds. In China, they make a soup out of mudskippers!
Here's me, Tim the mudskipper!

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