Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Connections between Morals and Religions

The connections between morals and religions are that both of them teach us something like how to live our life. Morals are lessons which teach people what is wrong and what is the right thing to in a story, myth, folktale, etc. For example, the moral for 'The Beauty and the Beast' is don't judge the book by its cover. Religions have beliefs and other rules to teach people how to be a good person. Actually there are some similarities between morals and religions which is that they both use stories to teach people. For example, in Hinduism, Rama and Sita is a story which the lesson behind it is 'good always triumphs over evil'. Religious people use morals in their religion to guideline to be a good person. Now that you have read my blog post, would you say that there is a connection between morals and religions?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Duty to Heal-Race

The belief that is being discussed in the recording is when Dr. Pius Kamau believes that he has the duty to heal and that all human beings are all equal. Dr. Pius Kamau is a surgeon in Denver when a 19 year old white patient was coughing up blood. The nurses told the surgeon that the patient didn't want Dr. Pius Kamau to touch him. When the doctor came near him, the patient spat blood at his face then right at that moment, Dr. Pius Kamau didn't want no part of the patient although no other physician would take him on.  The patient managed to talk to Dr. Pius Kamau but without direct eye contact. Only the white nurses could check and touch the patient for danger. This story by Dr. Pius Kamau has appealed me is because he still wants to heal his patients although the patient in the story is very mean to Dr. Pius Kamau. The patient in the story is racist to (no offense) the black people.  But Dr. Pius Kamau says that he also treats his patients with care and respect even though they are racist which makes me feel appealed.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My Learning Profile

Focusing on the details, ,studying in a quite place away from verbal disturbances, not having to look behind to have eye contact with the teacher are the key components for me to learn best since my learning profile is an A. Focusing on the details is one of the components for me to learn best because I like to learn and process information in a sequential, step-by-step fashion while concentrating on the details. If I don't focus on the details, then I would be aware of missing important details when I read, take notes, and study. The reason why I chose studying in a quite place away from verbal disturbances as a component to increase my learning skills is because if there aren't any verbal disturbances, I can concentrate better and able to continue studying. Verbal disturbances depending on the volume can effect on the quanlity of my project, essay,etc because disturbances can irritate me and can give me a headache so I can't focus on my work. Finally not having to look behind to have eye contact with the teacher is very important because it is very annoying for me to turn my back and face the teacher several times. My experience of turning my back and looking at a teacher has been annoying so I don't want to have to turn my back towards my teacher ever again. So these are my key components for me to have a better learning sustainability.

Some improvements for me as a profile A learner is to have a combination of art, music, freeform movement,etc linked with reasonable effort, avoid trying to use logic, etc. The reason why I need to have a combination of art, music, freeform movement,etc linked with reasonable effort is try using both sides of the brain. Gestalt people are responsible for creativity, visualization, artistic abilities, etc so to work on my right hemisphere, I have to have a combination of art, music, etc although I play the alto saxophone, piano, and other instruments. Avoiding trying to use logic can be an improvement for me to work on my right hemisphere. If I was about to take a dicision , I won't try to gather information in an overly intensive way but instead I would gather as much information as I can then take the decision based on the available information even if the seemed incomplete. In that case my left brain will make use of the information while the intuition of your right brain will compensate for the missing information. So a combination of art, music, freeform movement, etc linked with reasonable effort, and avoiding trying to use logic are the two improvements for me to work on as a profile A learner.

The strategies that would help me in my learning would be to highlight key concepts as I read, explaining the concepts to a family member or a friend,etc. Highlighting key concepts as I read would be a strategy that would help in my learning is because to read the highlighted material aloud to memorize facts. If I was in a test which I had to memorize a few descriptions about a character, then I would highlight the key descriptions of the character and keep reading it aloud until I memorize the facts. The last strategy that would help me in my learning would be to explain the concepts to a family member or a friend,etc. I chose explaining the concepts to a family member or a friend because it helps me to refresh my mind and think about the concept more deeply. For example, when I have required reading, then I would retell the main points of the selection in my own words. So these are my strategies that would help me in my learning.

Some information that I would like the teachers to know me is that I find writing on a piece of paper more difficult than typing, and that I need to have breaks inbetween long tests. Writing on a piece of paper is more challenging than typing because since I have learnt typing at a young age, I prefer typing rather than writing because my hand often hurts when I write continously so I have to take a break and relax my hands for a while. The advantage for me in typing is that I am a fast typer so I can turn in my work on time. I need to have breaks inbetween long tests because I can't concentrate on a test for a long amount of time. I like to stretch, use the bathroom, etc inbetween long tests so that I can get prepared for the next test. So here are some information about me that I would like the teachers to know about me.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Perseus Story 50 word or less Summary

Perseus manages to achieve his goal of getting the Medusa's head but a white horse called the Pegasus gets born from Medusa's body. Perseus tames the pegasus and flies off to South Africa. Perseus then shows the head of Medusa to Atlas and Atlas turns into stone.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

10 Memories of "I remember When"

  1. I remember when there was homework from Taylor Mali.
  2. I remember when I made friends with Vadin and Shivam.
  3. I remember when I wrote a letter about Declaration of Human Rights and how it was unfair for fifth graders to not use the field to the principal of the Elementary school. 
  4. I remember when I got a scar beside my eye from falling down the staircase at a swimming pool.
  5. I remember when I got RM 50 and some coupons for getting 3rd place with Nick Chen at "Battle Bot" (which is an event where you make robotic Lego cars and try to knock down other cars or flip them).
  6. I remember when I got 1st place at a basketball tournament representing ISKL.
  7. I remember when I went camping at Cameron Highlands with other Boy Scouts when my patrol ate steak and hotdogs for dinner.
  8. I remember when I was at Bukit Jalil Stadium watching Malaysia lose against Arsenal (Barclays Premier League Team) 4:0
  9. I remember when I went to Pulau Tioman for Malaysia Week with Tyler.
  10. I remember when I went to Thailand for a family reunion from my dad's side.
  11. I remember when I first fell in love.
  12. I remember when my best friends left ISKL in fifth grade.
  13. I remember when my friend Matthew came back to KL from Doha to have a play date.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Classic Greek Myths

I personally like Perseus and the Gorgon (Medusa) because there is more action, the characters,etc. The reason why I chose more action is because Perseus sets out for adventure as he meets the 3 witches who one of them has one eye, kills the Medusa, meets Atlas,etc. For the first film, it was a somewhat boring although Minotaur part was very interesting. The story was mostly about the main characters son and cousin or nephew (not so sure) and how they both die and how he creates lot's of statues of his son. The second one was more interesting than the first one because Theseus kills the Minotaur and how he doesn't keep his promises. I chose the characters because Medusa looks very scary with those snakes and red eyes. The witches who have only eye looks very similar to the movie "Clash of the Titans".The themes for the three myths are similar because they are both set in Greece. Another common thing that they all have is that they all are in a cave or a dark place.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Bio Poem About Me

Shin Young

Who is positive, courteous, helpful, hard-working, etc.
Who is brother of Jae Yong Park in 5th grade.
Who loves badminton, computer games, spending time with family members.
Who feels contented, fervent, excited, etc.
Who needs family, television, more leisures,etc.
Who gives love to the family, attention to people, pride into his work.
Who fears having bad grades, ghosts, horror movies, massive homework.
Who would like to see aliens, famous people, the future, the past,etc.
Who shares the love of badminton with Deeban.
Who is a resident of Kuala Lumpur


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Good Old Times Comes to an END!!!

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.

The most proud of work and learning that I am most proud of is the tic tac toe about Ancient Greece. The reason why I chose this piece of work is because the projects are high in quality, artistic, and fun to do. The projects that we chose were the notable leader movie, 2 diary entries, and a rap. The music for the rap was "I'm coming home", although I was a bit confused about what religion the Ancient Greek people believed in so we put both Greek orthodox and Greek gods. Some SLR's that fit this project are collaborating constructively, thinking creatively, communicate effectively,etc.

2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.

One of my greatest challenges was finding the right place to go in the beginning of the year. The reason was because I wasn't particularly sure where my classes were so I had to carry a map around to find my way. Once I had to run around the whole school to find my band class and I was late for 5 minutes. Later on, I managed to memorize the room numbers and even know where to go without referring to the map. The second challenge that I had was the lockers. The combination for mine was very confusing  so I followed the instructions that the teacher told me to do. But I couldn't open my lock so an adult helped me with the problem. The teacher said that you had to start from 0 so I realized my mistake... Later, I had more lockers for P.E, and band so I had to study the combination. Luckily, the P.E locker combination was relatively same as my locker for my bag so I didn't have to memorize all 3 of them. Later in the month, I memorized my locker code and got used to it so I was able to get to class on time. 

a) Behavior

Perfect-the model student

I know that nobody is "perfect" in this world but I consider myself having a good behavior because I respect other people, listen to other peoples' ideas, not fooling around,etc. I don't fool around in class because I don't want to have bad grades and make my teachers depressed.  I listen to other peoples' ideas because I don't want other people to feel bad and their ideas might be excellent.

Actively participate in class 

The reason why I chose actively participate in class was because of my interest in the subjects.  I ask lot's of interesting questions and pay attention to things that are important because I am curious, and it's very interesting to learn facts and asking questions are related 
to education. All of the subjects that I do are very fun but sometimes things can get boring. 

c) Organization

I would rate myself "super organized" because my locker is not messy and I prepare for classes. When I get to school, I would look at what classes I have and put the things that are necessary  such as if humanities was period 1,  I would put a folder on top of my bag and later, I see what I have for period 2 and put the things so that I don't have to get late for class. For projects, I would make a note-taking sheet so that my partner and I would gather the information so that later we could use the note-taking sheet for the project.

d) Effort

I always go above and beyond what is required. I am 100% doing my best for any projects/tests so that I can be happy of the results. I try to get at least all A-'s for all of the subjects and I'm pretty doing well. I'm very proud of my final literature circle with Zifan because I studied about the questions, passages,etc and I put a lot of effort to it. .

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to

I plan to continue trying my best to be organized, actively participating, putting my effort,etc. I'll try not to be distracted by Youtube, Facebook, and all sorts of social networking and not chat with my friends and focus doing my work so that I could get a good grade. I don't want people to think me as a "nerd" but I'll to be cool.

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to

Not to be embarrassed of what I do. I chose this because I was a bit frightened and scared for the tic tac toe rap although I love being on the spotlight.

6.Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?

Well if you want to know more about me, my profile is A so I am a logic person. If you want a person who is energetic, prepared, positive, etc, that's me!!! For my band teacher, I play the bass clarinet for around 1 year so I hope that you will like my next year. For my P.E teacher, I try not to always rely on one person such as for American football, I'll try to pass the ball to all the people so that they can be part of the game and have fun.

7. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?

Don't be tardy for class and remember your locker combinations. The reason why I chose don't be tardy for class is because you don't want to be late for class and the teacher might mark you absent. I chose remember your locker combinations because you need to memorize your normal locker for your bag, P.E locker, or your band locker so that you don't have to be tardy for class,etc. 

Shin Young Park

p.s: Class of 2018, I hope you do VERY well in 6th grade!!! 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jonas's Letter

Dear Asher,

I'm deeply sorry that I had left home at the day of the Ceremony. I know you have tons of questions that you want to ask me but I don't have that much time left. I'm fine and so as Gabriel but I'm running out of food... You were probably wondering why I had ran away. The society that we are in isn't fair and is worse than you think.  You probably won't understand this but it's because of the releasing, and the things that don't exist today. When I told you that something was strange about the flowers, I tried to tell you about something called "colors". I don't know how to describe about "colors" but it really attracts your attention. Something other than colors are animals. Animals are living organisms that have a well-defined shape. If you know Lily's comforting object, it's actually an elephant, my comfort object is a bear, and Gabriel's is a hippo.Another powerful thing is love. If you ask "do you love me?" to your parents, they probably would say that word is meaningless... Well guess what, they're wrong. Love is the feeling of very strong liking of someone, etc. Something that relates this is "grandparents". Grandparents are the parents of the parents. In my training, my "teacher" gave me a vision of grandparents .They were hanging out with their family members and they were passing gifts. The children "loves" their grandparents, and their parents. Love is similar to happiness. The final thing is music. I don't really know what music is but I don't know what it is...

Another reason why I ran away is about releasing. The former "Receiver of Memory" wanted herself released . Releasing is something like killing. So basically, she wanted to kill herself, commit suicide, whichever word you prefer. When I was having training with my teacher, I saw my father killing one of the baby twins by weight. My father injected a liquid into the baby's head. A few minutes later, the baby was very still, and it wasn't moving. Later my father threw the baby inside a simple box and into the trash. I was freaking out so badly so I decided to make a plan with my teacher. So that's why I took Gabriel with me to flee from home. Life is very stable in our society. But it's very unfair that nobody in the universe could experience these things except for me and my teacher. If you still don't understand, well just know that I'm sorry...

From your best friend, 


p.s: Tell my friends and my family members that I love them especially Fiona.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Literature Blog Post #3

" Gabriel's breathing was even and deep. Jonas liked having him there, though he felt guilty about the secret. Each night he gave memories to Gabriel: memories of boat rides and picnics in the sun; memories of soft rainfall against windowpanes; memories of dancing bare-footed on a damp lawn.
The new child stirred slightly in his sleep, Jonas looked over at him.
"There could be love" Jonas whispered. 

The next morning, for the first time, Jonas did not take his pill. Something within him, something that had grown there through the memories, told him to throw the pill away"

I think that this quote relates to freedom and choice because Jonas threw away the pill because he wanted to be able to "love" people like Fiona. Jonas and The Giver liked the feeling of love so that's why Jonas wanted to throw away the pill.  When Jonas saw the family handing gifts, Jonas feels the happiness in the training. Love is the most difficult question for mankind. 
Love is patient, love is kind.  Love protects; preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life. By the end of the novel, two major realizations about Jonas's community are mainly responsible for Jonas's decision to leave the community. The second realization is about the nature of release, but the first realization is Jonas's discovery of the meaning of love. His parents reject the concept of love as an imprecise and slightly comical idea, but Jonas resorts to sharing his revelation with Gabe, who shares Jonas's capacity for receiving memory and who is still a blank list without the training of the community that later in life would cause him to say no to love. Since Gabriel is able to accept Jonas's love, the two characters form a nearly ancestral bond that causes Jonas to sacrifice greatly for his surrogate younger brother's sake.

Another thing is because although Jonas was suppose to take his pill, he had the choice to take it or not so he didn't take it. This is showing Jonas is making his own choices. The novel explores Jonas's encounter with memories of "the past," a time much like ours, in which people still had the freedom of choice. In his world, people weren't allowed to make their own choices such as choosing their own mates. "Oh." Jonas was silent for a minute. "Oh, I see what you mean. It wouldn't matter for a newchild's toy. But later it does matter, doesn't it? We don't dare to let people make choices of their own." "Not safe?" The Giver suggested. "Definitely not safe," Jonas said with certainty." This quote  This quote takes place when Jonas and the Giver were discussing the rights of choices in the community. 

So here is my blog.  (The book)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Giver #2

1. When Jonas learns all about colors, he claims "it isn't fair that nothing has color". Why does he say this?

The reason why I think Jonas said this because people can't see color except for him and the Giver, people would have difficulties, emotions,etc.

I chose that people can't see color except for him and the Giver because Jonas feels that color adds a vibrancy that all community members should share. The people can't see color except for black and white, because if everything was the same, then there aren't any choices. It would also be a disadvantage for the eyes. Life would be boring if there weren't any colors in the world. When The Giver explains that Jonas is seeing color and Jonas gets upset, he's realizing that it's not fair that the people can't see things in color because life is more beautiful in color. Without color, people wouldn't get to know what things are like."'I want to wake up in the morning and decide things! A blue tunic, or a red one?' He looked down at himself, at the colorless fabric of his clothing. 'But it's all the same, always.'" Pg. 97. Red symbolizes enlightenment and the danger of the awakening of emotions and feelings. The red sleigh is a connection that The Giver uses to relate the excitement that having feelings and memories can provide but also the pain that they can evoke. Another scene in the story that uses red is when Jonas sees Fiona's hair change into the color of an apple for a brief moment.  It is in this moment that Jonas is becoming aware of the differences he is feeling as compared to others in his society.  
My reason why I chose people would have difficulties is because if a person wants to know what color the trees were people wouldn't have a clue because they can only see black and white. Obviously, the people would say black or white... If you were in the book and were drawing a picture, you would draw a white and black picture rather than a picture with colors. A film similar to the book is "Pleasantville".  In humanities, we had to split into two groups. The Giver and the White Mountains. The Giver people watched a film called Pleasantville. Pleasantville is a place where everything is black and white similar to Jonas's world. It's all boring and colorless. 

The reason why I chose emotions is because colors express emotions. When I was with Ms. Paz for trimester 1, she said that colors describe emotions such as green. Green is a color that represents calmness. Red is the first color that Jonas sees in the story. In the book, the only color that the people can see is white because black is not a color. Black is the absence of color so therefore it isn't a color. When there is no light, everything is black. But white is a color because it is the blending of all colors. Sunlight is white light that is composed of all colors of the spectrum. So therefore, black isn't a color because a black object absorbs all the colors of the visible spectrum and reflects none of them to the eyes. White is a color because white reflects all the colors of the visible light spectrum to the eyes. Anyway, yellow is a color that symbolizes happiness. If people couldn't see colors except for white, then people couldn't express their feelings by colors. So here are my reasons why I think that Jonas claimed in the story.

Sources: http://www.colormatters.com/vis_bk_white.html#Anchor-Part-47857

Here's a black and white photo of Justin BieberHere's a picture of Justin Bieber with color. See the diference?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Giver

Recently in humanities yellow, literature circles came back as we got our new books. The new books were The Giver and the White Mountains. I received "The Giver" which looked interesting. In the beginning, it was extremely boring but from around chapter 3, it starts getting better and better. Jonas, the main character in the book, is in a communist place where everything is weird. People can't see colors, don't even know anything such as animals, stationary,etc. His parents decide the future for him and this has been going on continuously for centuries. But Jonas, is different from everybody. He could see some colors such as red in the book. (If you are curious, read the book!!!). Anyway, the question that I chose was: 

1. Would you want your future to be decided by others ? Why or Why not?

For me, I would say no because I wouldn't get to have my own decisions, and I wouldn't even enjoy it. People need some freedom in their life so they have the right to choose what they want to be in the future.  The reason why I chose that I wouldn't get to have my own decisions is that because I don't want a future that doesn't suite me. For example, my parents want me to be a dentist/doctor but if someone changes my future, I might become something else. Another reason is that you have the right to control your future. Everyone has a dream and what they want to be. "When you relinquish the desire to control your future, you can have more happiness." a quote by Nicole Kidman, an Australian actress. 

I chose that I wouldn't even enjoy it because if for instance,if I wanted to become a tennis player (false) and if someone controls my future, later in life I might become like a pilot even thought you hate the job. You have the right to control your future and enjoy it. There aren't any benefits having a controlled future. There might be some benefits such as you don't have to find a job,etc but most likely people would want a future decided by themselves. In the Giver, I think that the Chief Elder has chosen what Jonas wanted to be..... So here are my reasons why I think that I don't wan my future to be decided by others.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ancient Egypt Pharaoh Assignment

Question 1. "Why do you think Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs created monuments?"

I think that the Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs created the monuments so that the people can remember the monuments throughout the year and to let the world know it. The reason why the pharaohs wanted the people to remember is because when the people look at the monument, they can think of the pharaoh who created it. I chose to let the world know it because the monument can be famous. The monuments can attract the people in the world so that when they think of a certain monument, they can think of where the monument is.  For example today, there is the "Statue of Liberty" in the U.S and people can remember it because the world knows it.

Question 2. "What monuments in our society are similar? (be sure to provide explanations and graphics).".

Some monuments that are similar to our society are the "Great Wall of China", "Statue of Liberty", "Twin Towers", "Eiffel Tower",etc. The "Great Wall of China" is located in China, "The Statue of Liberty" is located in the United States of America, "The Twin Towers" is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and the "Eiffel Tower" is located in Paris, France.

3. How did the using google docs as the main portal for collaboration help you with this assignment?

Google Docs is a place where you can work with other people on a document. It's really useful because without google docs, we can't actually work with other people. I used to work on "Microsoft Word" in fourth grade with my friend. We worked on one computer and it was really uncomfortable. 

4. What did you learn from this assignment?

This assignment has helped me learn more about Senusret the first,etc. At first, I had no clue of Ancient Egypt except for the gods. After the assignment, I've gained more knowledge about the rulers of Egypt,etc.

5. What was challenging?

I think that making the movie was the challenging thing for this assignment. My partner was Julian and we only completed 1/4 on the first day due to the noise. The result was that we had to record it in the bathroom beside the art room.

6. Which schoolwide learning results were evident in this assignment?

I think that thinking creatively,  etc. The reason why it's thinking creatively is because you have to be imaginative to make your movie. In our movie, we pretended that the school was Ancient Egypt and Julian time travelled back in time but it was actually a dream.


Here's one of the monuments today! The Eiffel Tower!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Busan Powerpoint Blog Post

Recently in class, we had to make a presentation about our city. We had to research about the history, vegetation, environmental factors, facts, etc. For me, my hometown is Busan, South Korea. It's a great that we had to find some facts about our city because I didn't really know lot's of information about Busan except for the history...

For my powerpoint, I did awesome for my presentation since I put all the information that was required to get A+. I've experienced presenting in front of everybody and most people get very nervous. But I don't really get nervous because I'm a man. My mother usually tells me to have a loud clear voice, eye contact,etc. I've couldn't actually hear the person speaking and some people talk while they look at their powerpoint. Another positive thing I've done is entertaining the class. I've put a movie trailer of "Haeundae"  to entertain the guests to make them bored. Lot's of people were amazed of my powerpoint!

I hope in the future that I can decrease the amount of time that my powerpoint took and put more information for my powerpoint. The reason why I chose putting more information for my powerpoint is because I didn't really have that information for my environmental factors. I had only 3 paragraphs for my environmental factors... I chose decreasing the amount of time that my powerpoint took because it took for like 7 minutes. In the future, I hope that I can accomplish these improvements in the future.

The things I've learnt are the food, history, population,attractions, etc. The food is very interesting because it makes me hungry and it's very famous. Some examples are roti canai, nasi lemak, strudels, etc. The reason why I chose history is because I am clueless of the history of some cities (Examples: Scotland, Australia,etc). Some knowledge that I've gained is that Malaysia was controlled over by the Japanese, and the British. The population is amusing because I've never known that my city's population is 3,593,498.

My analysis for my powerpoint is very good. I've completed the requirements for the powerpoint, and added graphics. I had a clear voice, good eye contact, sources,etc. As I said before, I totally aced this assignment because I've completed the requirements. This is one of my favorite assignments because you can learn about other people's cities.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Years Resolutions for 2011

My two New Years resolutions are learning about Lego robotics and aim to get good grades. The reason why I have chosen learning about Lego robotics is because I can learn more about Lego. Recently, I have gone to a Lego competition called "BattleBot". It's where you make Lego robots that fight each other.There are three ways you can win over a round which is knocking over the robot, immobilizing it, and pushing it over the battle arena. Luckily, my team, KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) went to third place. I am hoping to learn more about Lego robotics so that I can do better in the 2011/12 BattleBot competition. (If you want more details, please scroll down).

My second New Years resolution is getting good grades. My reason is because my parents want me to get good grades. If all my grades are around A-, I can get a gift from my parents. In the first trimester, my grades were excellent until I got a B+ for science. My parents don't really care about other grades except for humanities since humanities is daily. So far, my grades are excellent but I need to improve my science grade. The gift that I really want is my own personal bass clarinet. Although it's expensive, there are some positive things about getting a bass clarinet. The positive things are not having to carry it around, and not having to pay for the bass clarinet that I have to rent.

As I said before, I went to "BattleBot" over the holidays. "BattleBot" is a place for you to experience Lego and robotics and earn lot's of cash and prizes. On January 8th, me and my friend, Nick Chen went to Bangsar Village to enter the "BattleBot" competition. My friend and I had been to a camp where we gained the knowledge of Lego parts, and making our own robots. There were four different groups which were A,B,C,and D. Our team, KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) was in group C. We won three times but lost two times. The top two teams were the ones that were qualified to the quarter finals. The team, A.R managed to go to the quarter finals, but our team and two other teams were tied with 9 points. So we had to weigh our robots on the scale. The first team weighed 477 grams and our team weighed 457 grams and the last team weight 472 grams. We were qualified to the quarter finals! Our team managed to go to the semifinals but failed to continue. As the result, we were third place. Nick and I received 75 rm (Malaysian currency), a box of Lego, and some books. My father was proud of me in that day.

On Christmas, my family went to Kuantan for 4 days and 3 nights. We travelled to Kuantan by car for around 3 hours.We had to wake up in the morning at 10am.  My little brother and I slept in the car, played board games, listened to music,etc. By the time we arrived there, I was exhausted. Later on, my family went to the beach. We played football (soccer) and swam in the sea. In soccer(football), me and my little brother were teams. The point was until 5 and the score was 4:4. When my mother kicked the ball, I was just walking and thought that it was going to miss, but it was a goal. My little brother was blaming me for not blocking the ball. My family had gone swimming everyday in Kuantan. When it was time to go, my little brother and I hopped into the car and went back to KL. I really enjoyed my stay at Kuantan.

I hope you enjoyed my blog! :P This is a picture of me and Nick in the BattleBot competition.